the challenge

To bring all This Side Up’s partners together in physical space. To support the creation of strong, lasting, and trustworthy bonds within our network by providing the time and space for all the agents in our value chain to gather and share, from farmer and exporter to importer, roaster and barista. To keep the momentum of this beautiful gathering also after everyone goes back to their daily lives.


WHERE: The event has been hosted next to the World of Coffee in Amsterdam, Berlin, and Milan. 

WHAT: To facilitate the horizontal and vertical connection between TSU coffee value chain agents. 

WHO: This Side Up, The Coffee Circle and This Side Up roaster partners.

The investments

Milan Producer Crossover, 2022: €16,156

Roasters: € 3,996,00

The exchange through out the years has allowed ongoing cooperation between roasters and us. This amount supported the cost of the plane tickets for the producers

Amsterdam, KIT, 2018: €5,192,00

Berlin Producer Crossover, 2019: €4,125

€ 3,692,00

Tickets purchased by roasters partners helped us pay for the producers' plane tickets to Amsterdam for the first time. We gathered in the emblematic and historic KIT.

€ 625,00

As in the previous year, the tickets to the event helped us purchase the plane tickets for our partners at origin.


This Side UP: € 12,16,00

This includes the cost of the location, food, accommodation an travel expenses for our network of producers.

This Side UP: € 1,500,00

We paid for the accommodation, rent venue, food, and transportation.

This Side UP: € 3,500

This allowed us to pay food, rent venue, plane tickets for partners, amongst others.



To discuss the future of agriculture as a global network of growers and roasters.

To facilitate knowledge interchange between agents in our value chain.

To assist producers, roasters, and actors in our value chain to know more about each other by facilitating the resources that can benefit everyone.